Translating content
Focus on translating your content, not on updating all the links and references to your files!
Let mkdocs-static-i18n
do the heavy lifting of dynamically localizing your assets and just reference everything without their localized extension.
Since the generated site
files have their localization extension removed during the build process, you must reference them in your markdown source without it (this includes links to .md
This simple docs structure:
Will generate this site tree:
Which means that the image.png
and its fr/image.png
localized counterpart can be referenced the same way as 
on both
when using the suffix
docs structure.
It works the same for the folder
You may find useful to inform users that some pages are not translated (yet) by injecting content on an announcement block when a page is displayed using its fallback language and thus missing a translation.
Translating admonitions
This sub-option is a key/value mapping set per language and allows you to translate admonition titles which don't have an explicit title defined.
Also, this configuration will apply to PyMdown Details Extension, if the extension is enabled.
Language Sub-Option: admonition_translations
This example overrides admonition titles of the French version of the site.
- i18n:
- locale: en
default: true
name: English
- locale: fr
name: Français
- tip: Conseil
- warning: Avertissement
- admonition
- pymdownx.details
and translates French markdowns: