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User Contributed Configuration Examples

Here you can find community contributed configuration examples to help you get started with some modules or benefit from the tricks of other hackers!

Ultrabug's configuration examples

# one button for bluetooth on/off
bluetooth {
    format = "ī”™"
    on_click 1 = "exec bluetoothctl power on"
    on_click 3 = "exec bluetoothctl power off"

# I use pulseausio and I like to control the sinks and sources 
# directly from my bar!
# These modules allow me to not only control the volume of the given
# devices but to also switch the sound output from one to another

# This is the speakers from my laptop, I can switch sound to it
# on middle click
volume_status speakers {
    command = "pactl"
    device = "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo"
    format = "đŸ’ģ{percentage}%"
    format_muted = "đŸ’ģ{percentage}%"
    on_click 2 = "exec pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo"
    thresholds = [(0, 'bad'), (5, 'degraded'), (10, 'good')]

# I plugin a USB headset, it appears, I can switch default sound to
# it while controlling its volume output. When disconnected, it
# disappears from the bar
volume_status sennheiser {
    command = "pactl"
    device = "alsa_output.usb-Sennheiser_"
    format = "[\?if=!percentage=? 🎧{percentage}%]"
    format_muted = '🎧{percentage}%'
    on_click 2 = "exec pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.usb-Sennheiser_Sennheiser_SC_160_USB_A002430203100377-00.analog-stereo"
    thresholds = [(0, 'bad'), (5, 'degraded'), (10, 'good')]

# I also can activate a remote bluetooth speaker by clicking on this,
# when it connects the sound percentage appears, I can switch output
# to it by middle clicking or disconnect it by right clicking
volume_status bose {
    command = "pactl"
    device = "bluez_sink..+.a2dp_sink"
    format = "[\?if=!percentage=? đŸ“ģ{percentage}%][\?if=percentage=? đŸ“ģ]"
    format_muted = 'đŸ“ģ{percentage}%'
    on_click 2 = "exec pactl set-default-sink bluez_sink.2C_41_A1_Z7_FA_C2.a2dp_sink"
    on_click 1 = "exec bluetoothctl connect 2C:41:A1:Z7:FA:C2"
    on_click 3 = "exec bluetoothctl disconnect 2C:41:A1:Z7:FA:C2"
    thresholds = [(0, 'bad'), (5, 'degraded'), (10, 'good')]
    max_volume = 200

# I also control the default microphone volume from the bar
# and can mute it
volume_status mic {
    format = '🎙ī¸{percentage}%'
    format_muted = '🎙ī¸{percentage}%'
    button_down = 5
    button_mute = 1
    button_up = 4
    is_input = true
    thresholds = [(0, 'bad'), (10, 'degraded'), (20, 'good')]

# DMPS status shows as a red/green screen
dpms {
    icon_off = "ī„ˆ"
    icon_on = "ī„ˆ"

# cycling time in meaningful cities
group tz {
    cycle = 10
    format = "{output}"
    #click_mode = "button"

    tztime la {
        format = "🌉%H:%M"
        timezone = "America/Los_Angeles"

    tztime ny {
        format = "đŸ—Ŋ%H:%M"
        timezone = "America/New_York"

    tztime du {
        format = "🕌%H:%M"
        timezone = "Asia/Dubai"

    tztime tw {
        format = "⛩ī¸%H:%M"
        timezone = "Asia/Taipei"

    tztime in {
        format = "🛕%H:%M"
        timezone = "Asia/Kolkata"

CorruptCommit's configuration examples

# If I had time, I would make these proper modules.  Free feel to make them
# if you got time.

# weather without needing an API key
getjson wttr {
    url = ""
    format = "{current_condition-0-FeelsLikeC}° {current_condition-0-weatherDesc-0-value}"
    cache_timeout = 3600

# example output
# 6° Partly cloudy

# SABnzbd status
getjson sabnzbd {
    url = ""
    format = "SABnzbd: {queue-status}"
    cache_timeout = 60
# example output
# SABnzbd: Idle