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Setting up languages

This is where you define the languages you want to localize your site / documentation for. This configuration option is a list of language definition key/value mappings which allows you to localize almost every aspect of the MkDocs configuration, theme included!

For each language, you can for example localize (override) the MkDocs site_name, site_description, copyright etc... and even change (override) the theme options such as its color or logo!


The language locale selected as being the default one (default: true) will be the one built on the root path / of the site.

Option: languages

Minimal example building only one language as the site root:

  - i18n:
        - locale: en
          name: English
          build: true
          default: true

Per language build options

option required default description
locale yes A 2-letter ISO-639-1 language code (en) or 5-letter language code with added territory/region/country (en_US)
name yes The display name of the language
default no false Specify that this locale is the default one, you must set it as true to at least one language!
build no true Control whether to build or not the given language verion (useful when using the ENV! feature and speed up build testing)
link no /<locale>/ Used for the mkdocs-material language switcher. Absolute path used as the base of the language switcher
fixed_link no Used for the mkdocs-material language switcher. Fixed URL link used in the language switcher for this language
nav_translations no Key/value mapping used to translate navigation items
admonition_translations no Key/value mapping used to translate admonitions

Minimal example with two languages:

  - i18n:
        - locale: en
          name: English
          build: true
          default: true
        - locale: fr
          name: Français
          build: true

Additional per language overrides options


Any option you override here MUST be set (even to its default) on its main mkdocs.yml section before being overriden on one or more languages.

option required default description
copyright no Override the copyright option of mkdocs.yml
extra no true Override the extra options of mkdocs.yml
nav no true Override the nav option of mkdocs.yml to specify a per-language navigation
site_author no true Override the site_author option of mkdocs.yml
site_description no true Override the site_description option of mkdocs.yml
site_name no true Override the site_name option of mkdocs.yml
site_url no true Override the site_url option of mkdocs.yml
theme no true Override the theme options of mkdocs.yml

Overriding MkDocs options per language is easy, here are some examples.

This example shows how to make the French (fr) version of the site use the red palette instead of the default blue:

site_name: "MkDocs static i18n plugin documentation (en)"
site_description: "English description"

  name: material
    primary: blue

  - i18n:
      - locale: en
        default: true
        name: English
        build: true
      - locale: fr
        name: Français
        build: true
        site_name: "Documentation du plugin MkDocs static i18n (fr)"
        site_description: "Description Française"
            primary: red

This example shows how to make the French (fr) light version of the site use the red palette instead of the default blue and the French (fr) dark version use the pink palette instead of blue grey:

site_name: "MkDocs static i18n plugin documentation (en)"
site_description: "English description"

  name: material
    # Palette toggle for light mode
    - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
      primary: blue
      scheme: default
        icon: material/weather-sunny 
        name: Switch to dark mode
    # Palette toggle for dark mode
    - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
      primary: blue grey
      scheme: slate
        icon: material/weather-night
        name: Switch to light mode

  - i18n:
      - locale: en
        default: true
        name: English
        build: true
      - locale: fr
        name: Français
        build: true
        site_name: "Documentation du plugin MkDocs static i18n (fr)"
        site_description: "Description Française"
            # Palette toggle for light mode
            - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
              primary: red
              scheme: default
            # Palette toggle for dark mode
            - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
              primary: pink
              scheme: slate